Cactus Group
Many families of plants contain succulent (i.e. water
storing) species that have adapted to the arid climates of
deserts and semi-deserts. Many of these habitats are
associated with high day-time temperatures and special
mechanisms have evolved to collect and conserve the
limited moisture that is available, sometimes only from
dews, mists and fogs. Convergent evolution has often
resulted in similar solutions to the problems of living in a
harsh environment, and it may be obvious that similar
looking plants belong to different families only when they
are flowering. Sadly, like many other flora and fauna,
succulent plants are under pressure throughout the world
from encroaching urbanisation, agriculture and the
depredations of widespread non-indigenous livestock
such as goats. While these pressures may be inevitable,
there is much that succulent plant enthusiasts can do to
promote the conservation and survival of this interesting
group of plants.